May 24, 2021Liked by Denise Brown

Caregiving in itself doesn’t fall into the perceived idea of normal. Caregiving for me is doing everything twice. Bathroom, coffee meds, cleaning both our eyeglasses, making coffee, washing our faces and dressing myself and Paul. It’s like dressing twice only the second time is more complicated because of his right side deficits. Spontaneity isn’t an option although P always manages to want to do things out of the clear blue sky which involves a para transpo which has to be booked in advance that part doesn’t come into his equation for him and then he’s disappointed.

In Canada it’s taking longer. Vaccines were not as organized as the States with Joe Biden. We’ve been in the apartment more than out. Yesterday we were working in the rose garden which I’ve managed to get a few volunteers to help. It’s Paul’s design and we’re co chairs of the committee. He’s a brilliant gardener so not being able to get his hands in and dig is certainly not normal for him.

After 15 months of Covid and lack of socialization, he’s become crabbier which isn’t his style.

Even with Aphasia he’s very funny but I think it’s taking it’s toll. Which in turn takes its toll on me. We’ve been married for 46 years and had our own business together. He was athletic, a cyclist and a ski patroller. Incredibly intelligent and still is and so articulate. It will be 11 years this July that he had a stroke.

So I have no idea what normal is anymore. I just go with the flow and do my best. Finding this forum is great. We haven’t parents and no family where we live. Our friends are brilliant

but I truly believe that the day to day ups and downs are really understood by people who do do this for their family members.

Maybe I should eat another cookie lol

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